Kaimahi | Our team

Meet our awesome team!

Our team
  • Memo Musa - Platform Trust | Our team

    Memo Musa

    Chief Executive

    Memo is a health executive with substantial leadership and management experience in the New Zealand and United Kingdom health systems. He has substantial background, knowledge and understanding of mental health and addictions systems and services having trained as mental health nurse and a clinical nurse specialist in cognitive behavioural therapy in the United Kingdom.

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  • Abigail Freeland - Platform Trust | Our team

    Abigail Freeland

    Policy Analyst

    Abigail is the policy guru at Platform, organising and writing submissions, analysing research and strategic policy and frameworks, and engaging with…

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  • Kate Bell - Platform Trust | Our team

    Kate Bell

    Member Engagement Co-ordinator

    Kate is the Member Engagement Co-ordinator at Platform Trust.  She engages with our members, coordinates events, and leads the expansion of…

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