Ko wai mātou

Who we are

About Us

Platform is a membership organisation and peak body representing the mental health and addiction NGO and community sector.

We work to ensure the mental health and addiction system empowers NGO and community providers working across mental health, addiction, and wellbeing at all levels. We do this work so our members can focus on delivering high-quality services to tāngata whai ora, whānau, and communities.

Our key strategic areas of work are:

He ārahi ki te haeata o te āpōpō

Leading for a bright future

E tū ngātahi ana tatou

We are in this together

He rāngai āhei, pakari, toitū

A capable, strong, and sustainable sector

How we began

In 1990, a group of seven providers of community residential mental health services came together and agreed that there were issues they wanted to explore together. This collaboration was later formalised, and in 2000 a national association was formed and Platform Trust was registered as an incorporated society.

Today, Platform reflects the dynamic nature and increase in the contribution of NGO and community providers to support people experiencing mental health and addiction needs. 

Legal structure

Platform has been a registered charity with Charities Services since 2008. Our Authorities number is CC27856.

Breakdown of income for 2022/23

Our members

Our nationwide network of member organisations work in community mental health, addiction, and wellbeing services in Aotearoa New Zealand, from the far north through to the deep south.