Ours is a responsive, caring and professional programme held in a family environment at a secluded ‘recovery ranch’ 40 minutes from Wellington. It is peaceful here, with large grounds, trees, gardens and a stream, and nearby bush and river walks.
The Red Door programme is a proven, evidence-based holistic programme, held in a non-clinical environment. We are passionate about helping others break free from the grip of addiction and to re-set their lives. Key to the success of this programme is a two-year aftercare commitment with ongoing counselling, group work and relapse reboots, if required.
While the key members of our team all hold relevant degrees and qualifications (including DAPAANZ registration) they have all experienced addiction in their own lives and have successfully progressed into long-term recovery. This lived experience allows us to understand, connect with and help our clients on a deeper level. In some ways, lived experience may be the most important qualification of all.
The Red Door Kaupapa is based on a Whakataukì: He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka (Our stormy seas can be navigated).
We are a strong, connected network of passionate organisations. Want to join us?
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