Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update July 2023

In this month's update, let's talk about...

  • What's on my desk
  • Te Mauri o Rongo / NZ Health Charter - out for consultation
  • Mental health & addiction 2023 election debate
  • Pay equity claim update
  • Pay disparity/disparity funding update
  • Oranga Hinengaro System and Service Framework - current state map
  • PPE unfunded from 1 October 2023
  • Oranga Hinengaro team - Te Aka Whai Ora
  • Kia Manawanui Aotearoa - update on implementation of a mental wellbeing approach
  • Ngā Paerewa te Tiriti eLearning module launched
  • Mental health and addiction international recruitment pilot
  • Event - Identifying areas for service improvement using the whānau engagement indicator
  • Measuring outcomes for NGOs and community organisations
  • What we're reading 

Read the update here

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