Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update June 2021

  • Chief Executive's Update - What's On My Desk?
    • Cyber security protection - a friendly reminder
    • Wellbeing Budget 2021 - How did Mental Health and Addictions fare?
    • Briefing Including Q&A - Upcoming health and disability system changes
    • COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
  • Employment is a Health Intervention 
  • What we are hearing about emergency housing 
  • Deaf Mental Health - What we're working on in 2021
  • Supporting service planning, quality improvement, improved outcomes and decision making
  • Equally Well - A new phase for the collaborative - get involved in shaping our future
  • The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Amendment Bill
  • Careerforce diversity campaign launched
  • Events coming up
  • What we're reading...

Check out our June Member Update here.

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