Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update September 2021

In this month's member update, let's talk about...

  • Chief Executive's Update - What's On My Desk?
  • We are moving
  • COVID-19 Update and Vaccination Rollout
  • Platform Member Day - Thursday 30 September
  • Paulien Fa‘atafa leaving Platform
  • Our work with the Transition Unit: Wellbeing Networks ‘Locality Networks’  
  • Working collectively through the Partnership Group
  • Productivity Commission – Breaking the Disadvantage Cycle
  • NZ Navigator
  • Equally Well
  • Te Rau Ora - $1.6  Million Māori Suicide Prevention Fund
  • Youth Mental Wellbeing Grants
  • QLIK Training – MOH
  • What we're reading

Check out our September Member Update here.

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