Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update September 2023

In this month's update, let's talk about...

  • What's on my desk
  • Mental health & addiction 2023 election debate
  • Platform board members
  • Care and support worker proposed wage rate increase
  • Pay equity claim updates
  • Repealing and replacing the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992
  • Achieving Pae Ora through primary care
  • Te Whatu Ora commissioning restructure
  • Funded sector tripartite forum being established
  • Establishing National Clinical Networks – Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora
  • Equally Well updates
  • Reminder: PPE to be discontinued from Te Whatu Ora Central Supply
  • Event: Mental health and addiction sector PRIMHD hui – Pōneke Wellington
  • Creating an organisational continuity plan
  • What we're reading 

Read the update here

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