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Platform is recruiting for a new CEO

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Platform/Atamira Trust is seeking a new Chief Executive to follow on from Marion Blake MNZM who has led the organisation with distinction for twenty years.

Platform/Atamira Trust is a champion for the community sector especially focusing on organisations that contribute to making New Zealand a positive place for people with mental health and addiction issues to live, learn and work. An organisation well governed and led, Platform represents a network of more than 80 community organisations who employ well over 4000 staff and deliver a wide range of services and supports to individuals, whanau, and communities the length and breadth of New Zealand.

The New Zealand Government has accepted a significant need for change and investment into the mental health and addiction system is required as recommended in He Ara Oranga. At the same time it has signaled the likelihood of far broader changes to the health and disability sector in Pūrongo Whakamutunga.

The role of Chief Executive Platform/Atamira provides a unique opportunity, both with and on behalf of its members, to engage and contribute directly to the successful implementation of the proposed transformational changes signaled by Government. As such the organisations strategic focus for the next period is:

  • Lead Change: Actively lead and contribute to post-Inquiry system change
  • Work Together: Foster strategic partnerships and alliances
  • Build a Strong and Capable Sector: Support community mental health and addiction service providers to thrive

Having built up a strong and credible reputation the organisation is well placed to advocate strongly for the community sector to play a far greater role and make a far greater contribution to improving wellbeing in a way that will benefit people who use services and the wider community. As Chief Executive you will have:

  • Deep knowledge and understanding of the mental health and addiction sector in New Zealand as well as internationally
  • High level ability to drive industry policy and change at a national level, through leadership, influence and advocacy
  • Expertise in engagement, relationship management, negotiation and conflict resolution with diverse stakeholder groups to a successful outcome
  • Exceptional communication and presentation skills, including strong capacity to engage and influence across all media formats.
  • Experience in successfully leading, growing and managing change in organisations
  • Confidence in working with the principles identified through WAI 2575 (Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry) of: Guarantee of Tino Rangatiratanga, Equity, Active Protection, Options and Partnership

We invite qualified candidates to contact Paul Ingle or Catherine Poutasi for a confidential discussion:

Paul Ingle: M: +61 (0)402 796 125, E: pingle@hardygroupintl.com

Catherine Poutasi M: +61 (0)432 173 611, E: cpoutasi@hardygroupintl.com

Applications Close: 23/11/2020

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