Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update August 2023

In this month's update, let's talk about...

  • What's on my desk
  • 27 day countdown to the mental health & addiction 2023 election debate
  • Hold the date for Platform Members' Day
  • Contract funding uplift 2023/24
  • Pay equity claim updates
  • Launch of Pae Ora | Healthy Futures Strategies
  • Health Workforce Plan 2023/24
  • Kaiāwhina workforce development
  • Are you one of the next NGO stream leads on the MH&A KPI Programme?
  • Code of expectations for health entities' engagement with consumers and whānau
  • Mental Health & Addiction Partnership Group
  • Is your charity an incorporated society?
  • Resources for building organisational diversity and inclusion
  • What we're reading 

Read the update here

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