Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update March 2022

In this month's member update, let's talk about...

  • Chief Executive's Update - What's On My Desk?
  • Support Worker (Pay Equity) Extension.
  • Wage Rate Increase linked to Labour Cost Index (LCI)
  • COVID-19 Response Update.
  • What we recently heard from Navigate Groups.
  • Tāngata Whaiora Covid-19 Vaccination Rates.
  • Tupuānuku Lived Experience Survey.
  • Health Sector Reforms.
  • Have your say on how the mental health and addiction system is monitored.
  • Housing - From Challenge to Crisis to Catastrophe
  • Minimising the impacts of COVID-19 on your communities and services: Free access to parenting programme
  • First 1,000 Days Community Innovation Fund opens
  • NZ Navigator.
  • Open Polytechnic Placements.
  • What We’re Reading


      Check out our March update .

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