Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update November 2021

  • Chief Executive's Update - What's On My Desk?
  • We have moved offices
  • Platform governance
  • Mandatory Vaccination Order: health and disability workforce
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Rates / Tūtohi
  • Health and Disability Reforms: The Future of Health
  • Government announce transformative changes for disabled people
  • What we recently heard from Navigate Groups
  • Vaccine access for tangata whaiora: Equally Well Global Call to Action
  • Minister of Health Volunteer Awards: Accolades to Kites Trust
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission: Report about Access and Choice Programme
  • Access to Online Resources - NZ Navigator Trust
  • Submissions 
  • What we’re reading

Check out our November Member Update here.

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