Our Work » Deaf mental health and addiction »

Project overview

Project overview

Project overview

An overview of the 12 month project and the background of how it started.

Jo Witko with a NZSL translation of the project

Why is this work important?

Deaf people face barriers at all stages in the health and mental health system as most practitioners have little experience of sign language users. 

Research has found the Deaf community has a higher risk and incidence of mental distress, a higher need for mental health services and a perception that current mental health services are inaccessible and inadequate. This is why we need change.

Deaf culture and language are central to the wellbeing of Deaf people. A lack of experience and understanding by practitioners can lead to a misdiagnoses and long periods of costly, ineffective care or simply no support. 


Background about this project

The purpose of this paper is to provide context about Platform’s involvement and role, and our aspirations for the Deaf mental health and addiction work programme.

This paper has been translated into NZSL with the following series of videos (a combined clip is at the bottom).

Deaf mental health programme hosted by Platform


Working with Deaf Aotearoa


What have we done


He Ara Oranga


What we will deliver


How will we deliver this programme of work


Video of all six clips combined


Other work areas

Policy - Project overview | Platform Trust


Contributing to policy development, as well as providing a policy library and a range of publications to support the sector.

View work stream

Advocacy - Project overview | Platform Trust


Fostering strategic partnerships and alliances to achieve a strong and sustainable mental health and addiction NGO and community sector.

View work stream