Deaf mental health and addiction
Improving access and choice for the Deaf mental health and addiction community. This was a 12-month project completed over 2021-22.
Can I request a NZSL interpreter at my appointment?
Yes, you are entitled to a NZSL interpreter at any appointments you have.
It can be difficult to find interpreters, especially at short notice.
Video Relay interpreting could be an option if you can’t find an NZSL interpreter.
You are also entitled to a NZSL interpreter if you are not the client, but your partner, child or whānau is the patient and you need to know what’s going on.
Who is responsible for booking the interpreter?
The organisation is responsible for booking the interpreters and should be booked by the person arranging the appointment, e.g, WINZ, GP.
NZSL interpreter after-hours in an emergency?
Yes, iSign is available to book interpreters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However NZSL interpreters are not always available.
Video Remote Interpreting is also available.
Can I request a particular interpreter?
Yes, let the staff member making the booking know which interpreter you want. If the interpreter you want is not free, you need to decide to go ahead with the appointment or postpone to another time.
What should I do if no NZSL Interpreters are available?
You need to decide whether to:
Who can I contact if I feel the clinician/support worker doesn’t understand Deaf culture?
Going to the hospital? What you need to know?
Video (13min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=DzLcgY71zEQ&feature=emb_logo
There is a small amount of health information available in NZSL. This includes:
Health resources on HealthEd website:
Depression.org.nz uses NZSL:
There is also health information available online in British Sign Language (BSL) that may be accessible to some people.
The Deaf Health Charity Signhealth:
Improving access and choice for the Deaf mental health and addiction community. This was a 12-month project completed over 2021-22.
Tools, networks and events to strengthen community organisations.
Using evaluation, data, and collaboration to advocate for change.
Contributing to policy development, as well as providing a policy library and a range of publications to support the sector.
Fostering strategic partnerships and alliances to achieve a strong and sustainable mental health and addiction NGO and community sector.
Ensuring the future workforce is equipped to deliver quality community mental health and addiction services.