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Update from Jo about Deaf mental health and addiction role

Over the past three months this is what I have been up to:

Understanding how Deaf people access support or are excluded from access and choice?

Thanks to everyone who has talked with me (or introduced me to people) over the past 3 months about the gaps in support for Deaf people. There is more to learn, and I want to hear from as many people as possible. Please email me if you would like to chat, and I will set up a zoom or face to face meeting. 

Platform is setting up a ‘Deaf mental health, addiction and wellbeing collaborative’ group who will advise and support the work.  The terms of reference will be on the website shortly. Let me know if you are interested in being a part of this group.

What exists already that could be adapted to enable access and choice? Some examples:

MH101 courses across NZ:

A number of accessible one day workshops will be run throughout NZ – details to come soon.


Platform received a grant from Ministry for Social Development to provide extra support for communities during the lockdown.  Funding has been given to Deaf led organisations already supporting Deaf people such as The Deaf Wellbeing Society and the Deaf Positive Facebook page.

Any comments or queries please get in touch by phone, text or email: deafmha@platform.org.nz 0212015833

View the NZSL translation:

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