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On Track

On Track

On Track

On Track: Knowing where we are going  is a report outlining a road map for the future of the Mental Health and Addictions NGO sector in New Zealand. This was an initiative between Te Pou o te Whakaaro nui and Platform Trust, released in 2015.

On Track aims to improve health outcomes for individuals, whānau and communities, and to ensure that the mental health and addictions NGO workforce have the capabilities to do so. Input for this report was sought from different parts of the MH&A sector, as well as wider health and social sector.

The report proposes that doing the following will shift the collective focus from many individual services to a mental health and wellbeing system:

  • Support greater service user self-determination
  • Focus on system redesign
  • Improve the workforce capability
  • Address the investment and sustainability issues
  • Enhance community engagement
  • Use the evidence
  • Strengthen organisational Infrastructure

On Track is a road map to help inform, shape and influence activity at three levels in the system with these seven key priority areas in mind.

Download this report (4.28MB) or email admin@platform.org.nz for a copy.

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Policy - On Track | Platform Trust


Contributing to policy development, as well as providing a policy library and a range of publications to support the sector.

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Advocacy - On Track | Platform Trust


Fostering strategic partnerships and alliances to achieve a strong and sustainable mental health and addiction NGO and community sector.

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